Index of values

add_component [Ent]
add_component e (component_type, component_data)
add_entities [CEnt]
add_entities [Ent]
add_entities_id [CEnt]
add_entities_id [Ent]
add_entities_init [CEnt]
add_entities_init [Ent]
add_entity [CEnt]
add_entity [Ent]
add_entity_id [CEnt]
same than add_entity but also return the id that was given to this entity
add_entity_id [Ent]
same than add_entity but also return the id that was given to this entity
add_foldable_system [CEnt]
add_foldable_system [Ent]
add_foldable_systems [CEnt]
add_foldable_systems [Ent]
add_system [CEnt]
add_system [Ent]
add_systems [CEnt]
add_systems [Ent]

cmp_components [CEnt]
cmp_components [Ent]
components_match [CEnt]
components_match [Ent]

do_get_entities [CEnt]
raises Not_found if an id is not found
do_get_entities [Ent]
raises Not_found if an id is not found

fold_entities [CEnt]
fold_entities [Ent]

get_component [Ent]
raises Not_found if none found
get_component_opt [Ent]
returns None if has not the component
get_components [CEnt]
get_components [Ent]
get_entities [CEnt]
ids not found are just skipped
get_entities [Ent]
ids not found are just skipped
get_entities_with_components [CEnt]
get_entities_with_components [Ent]
get_entity [CEnt]
get_entity [Ent]
get_entity_opt [CEnt]
get an entity by its id
get_entity_opt [Ent]
get an entity by its id
get_id [CEnt]
raises an exception if the entity has not been added to the world
get_id [Ent]
raises an exception if the entity has not been added to the world
get_id_opt [CEnt]
same than get_id but returns None instead of raising an exception
get_id_opt [Ent]
same than get_id but returns None instead of raising an exception

has_any_component [CEnt]
returns true if the entity contains at least one of the given component types
has_any_component [Ent]
returns true if the entity contains at least one of the given component types
has_component [CEnt]
has_component [Ent]
has_components [CEnt]
retruns true if the entity contains all the given component types
has_components [Ent]
retruns true if the entity contains all the given component types
has_entity [CEnt]
does an entity exists with the given id
has_entity [Ent]
does an entity exists with the given id

iter_components [CEnt]
iter_components [Ent]
iter_entities [CEnt]
iter_entities [Ent]

make_mapper [CEnt]
make_mapper [Ent]

new_entity [CEnt]
generic game element
new_entity [Ent]
generic game element
new_world [CEnt]
new_world [Ent]
num_entities [CEnt]
num_entities [Ent]
num_entities_with_components [CEnt]
num_entities_with_components [Ent]

remove_component [Ent]
remove_entity [CEnt]
remove_entity [Ent]
remove_entity_id [CEnt]
remove_entity_id [Ent]
replace_component [Ent]
replace_component e component_type component_data
replace_entity [CEnt]
replace_entity [Ent]

world_step [CEnt]
'delta is the input parameter that is given to the systems
world_step [Ent]
'delta is the input parameter that is given to the systems
world_step_fold [CEnt]
same than world_step but with an additional folded parameter, see foldable_systems
world_step_fold [Ent]
same than world_step but with an additional folded parameter, see foldable_systems