Index of values

( * ) [UtilsLib.Int64.Infix]
( * ) [UtilsLib.Int32.Infix]
( * ) [UtilsLib.Float.Infix]
( ** ) [UtilsLib.Float.Infix]
( **. ) [UtilsLib.Float.InfixDot]
( *. ) [UtilsLib.Float.InfixDot]
(%) [UtilsLib.Float.Infix]
(%.) [UtilsLib.Float.InfixDot]
(+) [UtilsLib.Int64.Infix]
(+) [UtilsLib.Int32.Infix]
(+) [UtilsLib.Float.Infix]
(+.) [UtilsLib.Float.InfixDot]
(-) [UtilsLib.Int64.Infix]
(-) [UtilsLib.Int32.Infix]
(-) [UtilsLib.Float.Infix]
(-.) [UtilsLib.Float.InfixDot]
(/) [UtilsLib.Int64.Infix]
(/) [UtilsLib.Int32.Infix]
(/) [UtilsLib.Float.Infix]
(/.) [UtilsLib.Float.InfixDot]
(<) [UtilsLib.Float.Infix]
(<.) [UtilsLib.Float.InfixDot]
(<<) [UtilsLib.Int64.Infix]
(<<) [UtilsLib.Int32.Infix]
(<<) [UtilsLib.Output.Infix]
(<=) [UtilsLib.Float.Infix]
(<=.) [UtilsLib.Float.InfixDot]
(=) [UtilsLib.Float.Infix]
(=.) [UtilsLib.Float.InfixDot]
(>) [UtilsLib.Float.Infix]
(>.) [UtilsLib.Float.InfixDot]
(>=) [UtilsLib.Float.Infix]
(>=.) [UtilsLib.Float.InfixDot]
(>>) [UtilsLib.Int64.Infix]
(>>) [UtilsLib.Int32.Infix]

args [UtilsLib.Sys]
same than Sys.argv but as a list
assoc_def [UtilsLib.List]
same than List.assoc but with a default value
assoc_err [UtilsLib.List]
same than List.assoc but with a custom error message
assoc_replace [UtilsLib.List]
replace the associated value for the first key in an association list

bak_init [UtilsLib.Random]
init using a backup seed

char_cut [UtilsLib.ImString]
cut the string at the first occurence of the char
char_cut [UtilsLib.String]
cut the string at the first occurence of the char
char_index_all [UtilsLib.ImString]
char_index_all [UtilsLib.String]
char_index_from [UtilsLib.ImString]
char_index_from [UtilsLib.String]
char_rcut [UtilsLib.ImString]
cut the string at the last occurence of the char
char_rcut [UtilsLib.String]
cut the string at the last occurence of the char
char_rindex_from [UtilsLib.ImString]
char_rindex_from [UtilsLib.String]
char_split [UtilsLib.ImString]
char_split s c splits the string s wherever the character c appears
char_split [UtilsLib.String]
char_split s c splits the string s wherever the character c appears
char_splitter [UtilsLib.ImString]
same than char_split but also String.trims all strings and filters out all empty strings
char_splitter [UtilsLib.String]
same than char_split but also String.trims all strings and filters out all empty strings
cmp_float [UtilsLib.Float]
if the difference is less or equal to epsilon_float
compare [UtilsLib.Float]
compare [UtilsLib.Int]

default [UtilsLib.Option]
Option.default def opt_val returns def if opt_val is None or if opt_val is Some v, then v is returned.
drop [UtilsLib.List]

ends_with [UtilsLib.ImString]
ends_with sub s returns true if s ends with sub
ends_with [UtilsLib.String]
ends_with sub s returns true if s ends with sub

fold_left [UtilsLib.Labels.Loop]
fold_left [UtilsLib.Loop]
Loop.fold_left f v n calls f in a folded way over the v parameter n times.
fold_left [UtilsLib.ImString]
fold_left [UtilsLib.String]

get_bool [UtilsLib.Args]
get_bool_opt [UtilsLib.Args]
get_custom [UtilsLib.Args]
get_custom_opt [UtilsLib.Args]
get_float [UtilsLib.Args]
get_float_opt [UtilsLib.Args]
get_int [UtilsLib.Args]
get_int_opt [UtilsLib.Args]
get_string [UtilsLib.Args]
get_string_list [UtilsLib.Args]
get_string_opt [UtilsLib.Args]

index [UtilsLib.List]
init [UtilsLib.ImString]
init [UtilsLib.String]
init [UtilsLib.List]
List.init n f returns a list of n elements that were created by calling the function f with parameter from 0 to n-1
init_bak [UtilsLib.Random]
make possible to init with the same seed again
input_channel [UtilsLib.Input]
get all contents from an input channel
input_line [UtilsLib.Input]
returns one line from the input channel or None if the end of file is reached
input_lines [UtilsLib.Input]
returns the list of lines from an input channel
is_alpha [UtilsLib.Char]
is_alpha_num [UtilsLib.Char]
is_hex_num [UtilsLib.Char]
is_num [UtilsLib.Char]
iter [UtilsLib.Labels.Loop]
iter [UtilsLib.Loop]
Loop.iter f n calls f repeatedly n times.
iteri [UtilsLib.Labels.Loop]
iteri [UtilsLib.Loop]
Loop.iteri f n calls f repeatedly n times.

line [UtilsLib.Input]
same than input_line
lines [UtilsLib.Input]
same than input_lines
lines_of_file [UtilsLib.Input]
returns the list of lines from a file

make_bak_init [UtilsLib.RandState]
init using a backup seed
make_init_bak [UtilsLib.RandState]
make possible to init with the same seed again
map2 [UtilsLib.ImArray]
map2 [UtilsLib.Array]
map_opt [UtilsLib.List] and List.filter in one round

nth [UtilsLib.ImString]
get the nth char of a string in an exceptionless way
nth [UtilsLib.String]
get the nth char of a string in an exceptionless way
nth_is [UtilsLib.ImString]
String.nth_is s ofs c returns true if the nth char is c
nth_is [UtilsLib.String]
String.nth_is s ofs c returns true if the nth char is c

of_string [UtilsLib.ImString]

parse [UtilsLib.Args]
prob_extract [UtilsLib.Random]
extract one element from the list and also return the list without this element
prob_take [UtilsLib.Random]
probabilistic choice

rand [UtilsLib.Float]
rand [UtilsLib.Int]
range [UtilsLib.Int64]
range [UtilsLib.Int32]
range [UtilsLib.Random.Int64]
range [UtilsLib.Random.Int32]
range [UtilsLib.Random.Float]
range [UtilsLib.Random.Int]
read_file [UtilsLib.Input]
loads the all content of the given file
read_file_bin [UtilsLib.Input]
read binary file in a portable way for Windows
return [UtilsLib.List]
similar to List.find but returns the result of the function application
return_opt [UtilsLib.List]
same than List.return but exceptionless

starts_with [UtilsLib.ImString]
starts_with sub s returns true if s starts with sub
starts_with [UtilsLib.String]
starts_with sub s returns true if s starts with sub
starts_with [UtilsLib.List]
str_cut [UtilsLib.ImString]
str_cut [UtilsLib.String]
str_split [UtilsLib.ImString]
str_split [UtilsLib.String]
string_index [UtilsLib.ImString]
string_index [UtilsLib.String]
string_index_from [UtilsLib.ImString]
string_index_from [UtilsLib.String]
string_rindex [UtilsLib.ImString]
string_rindex [UtilsLib.String]
string_rindex_from [UtilsLib.ImString]
string_rindex_from [UtilsLib.String]

take [UtilsLib.Random.Array]
take [UtilsLib.Random.List]
take [UtilsLib.List]
takes the n-th first elements of the list
to_string [UtilsLib.ImString]

uniq [UtilsLib.List]
unsafe_blit [UtilsLib.Array]
function from the stdlib but that is not exported in the std interface
usage [UtilsLib.Args]

write_file [UtilsLib.Output]
write_file filename contents
write_file_bin [UtilsLib.Output]