Module AGeom.Vector3d

module Vector3d: sig .. end

type t = AGeom.vector3d 
(x, y, z)
val of_points : AGeom.Point3d.t -> AGeom.Point3d.t -> t
Vector3d.of_points a b returns the vector ab from a to b.
val add : t -> t -> t
a + b
val sub : t -> t -> t
a - b
val mul : t -> float -> t
v * k
val div : t -> float -> t
v / k
val dot : t -> t -> float
Dot product of two vectors
val length : t -> float
Returns the length (magnitude) of this vector.
val normalise : t -> t
Normalises this vector
val cross : t -> t -> t
Calculate the cross product between two vectors.
val rand : float * float * float -> t
return a random 3D vector
val srand : Random.State.t -> float * float * float -> t
val to_string : t -> string
val of_string : string -> t
module Infix: sig .. end