Module CL_RoundedRect

module CL_RoundedRect: sig .. end

API documentation for the class CL_RoundedRect

type t 
val init : size:CL_Sizef.t -> rounding_in_pixels:float -> t
val delete : t -> unit
val draw : t ->
gc:CL_GraphicContext.t -> position:CL_Pointf.t -> color:CL_Colorf.t -> unit
val set_rounding : t -> offset:CL_Sizef.t -> unit
val set_rounding_top_left : t -> offset:CL_Sizef.t -> unit
val set_rounding_top_right : t -> offset:CL_Sizef.t -> unit
val set_rounding_bottom_left : t -> offset:CL_Sizef.t -> unit
val set_rounding_bottom_right : t -> offset:CL_Sizef.t -> unit
val set_rounding_offsets : t ->
offsets:CL_Sizef.t * CL_Sizef.t * CL_Sizef.t * CL_Sizef.t -> unit

offsets are given in the order: (top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right)